The results of the meeting of the working group of the pilot project "The impact of employment

In the office of the Republican training and methodological center of additional education of MES of the RK held a meeting of representatives of the Committee of administrative police of the Ministry of interior of the Republic of Kazakhstan, of the Department of internal Affairs of Astana city, school Directors, social workers and school inspectors participating in a pilot project in conjunction with the administration of the Centre. During the dialogue, the sides discussed issues of employment of children involved in this project, and also added 2 more grammar school of Astana city No. 65 and 67. Overall, the pilot project will involve 7 organizations of secondary and General education. The project will be implemented with the support of the Committee of administrative police of the Ministry of interior of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana DIA, and the Department of education of Astana city and seven pilot schools: №№ 29, 40, 42, 61, 65, 67, 71. The meeting was further defined the vector of interaction among teachers, school inspectors, MIA and MES.