The contest «The Mirror of Nature», Aktobe city

Annually city contest of young naturalists «The Mirror of Nature» has held in Aktobe.
The purpose of competition: development of creative abilities and raising environmental thinking among the young generation.
The contest was held in three categories (between children of four age categories: 3-5 years, 6 - 9 years, 10 - 14 years, 15 - 17 years):
I nomination «Paintings and Drawings» (paintings on the theme of «The Mirror of Nature»);
II nomination «Nature and Creativity» (floral collage, panels which made from natural materials: straw, dried flowers, leaves, branches, feathers, animal hair, bones of fish);
III nomination «Applied Creativity» (crafts from a variety of natural materials).
The winners were awarded with diplomas and prizes.
Esengalieva D.K., Methodist of ecology department
City Station of Young Naturalists