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О клубе «Учитель-Ученик»
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Давид Ливингстон
Почему насекомые не чувствуют боли?
Почему волки воют?
The world is full of amazing things ... Interesting facts about the world of technology
Today Antoni van Leeuwenhoek’s 384th Birthday
Advice for young traveler How to feed monkeys
The contest «The Mirror of Nature», Aktobe city
The Capital’s Palace of School Students Will Host an Open Day
On August 29 in a conference room of Regional branch "Nur Otan" to Taraz the Round table t
The Head of State Has Taken Part in the Solemn Ceremony of Honoring the Champions and Prize-Holders
As I usefully spend their free time
My wide range of interests
Many people have hobbies